Check out Student Services highlights.
about 1 month ago, Lancaster County School District
Student Services
Congratulations to our Holiday Card winners! We will release each design separately over the next couple of weeks. We are proud of our students and amazed at their talent. Thank you art teachers for cultivating that talent. Winners, their art teacher, and principal all received blank cards to share. The LCSD Board of Trustees and Board attorney received a set of blank cards. Cards signed by Dr. Fitzpatrick were sent to our partners.
about 1 month ago, Lancaster County School District
2024 Holiday Card Winners
Check out Facilities & Maintenance highlights.
about 1 month ago, Lancaster County School District
Facilities & Maintenance
Check out Safety & Transportation highlights.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
Safety & Transportation
Check out this video on the LCSD Cell Phone policy.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
LCSD Cell Phone QR Code
Check out this weeks Tomahawk of the Week, Kristen Milburn! Mrs. Milburn is this week's Tomahawk of the Week! She is an energetic and outgoing staff member. She works hard for our ML population.. during CASE testing, Mrs. Milburn went above and beyond to encourage her students to do their best. Mrs. Milburn values each of her students and works hard to meet their individual needs. She works hard to make sure all students feel included and loved She volunteers her time to cover duty when needed, take care of the gardens outside, come to events the school puts name it, she is always willing to help. Thank you Mrs. Milburn for being a teacher champion! We are grateful you are a Tomahawk! . Congratulations Mrs. Milburn! As this week's winner, you will receive a $25 gift card to Super Chix in Indian Land and a certificate for a session at Perspire Sauna Studio! Thank you Super Chix and Perspire for your support!
about 2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Kristen Milburn, Tomahawk of the Week
Check out this weeks Tomahawk of the Week, Kendall Kahn! Ms. Kahn is this week's Tomahawk of the Week! Ms. Kahn is someone that you will see with a smile on her face everyday! She works hard to provide top-quality instruction that her students eat up daily. Every student in her class is attentive to her instruction because she truly makes learning fun. Her cheerful attitude has a large impact on her classroom environment because students are excited to come to class and learn everyday. Ms. Kahn is an amazing asset to Harrisburg Elementary and a vital piece to our wonderful 3rd Grade Team! Congratulations, Ms. Kahn! As this week's winners, you will receive a $25 gift card to Super Chix in Indian Land and a certificate for a session at Perspire Sauna Studio! Thank you Super Chix and Perspire for your support!
about 2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Kendall Kahn - Tomahawk of the Week
Congratulations to Sara Reynolds for passing her national board certification! This is a huge accomplishment and a testament to her dedication, hard work, and expertise in her field. Tomahawk Nation is so proud of YOU!!
about 2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Kindergarten teacher, Sara Reynolds
2025 - 2026 4K Applications now open. Scan the QR code in the images , visit the news story on the LCSD website, or visit the Pre-K site for more information and to complete the applications. If your family is not eligible or in need of 4K, please spread the word to others you know.
about 2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
4K application Eng
4K application Sp
For the first time in history, we have TWO Tomahawks of the Week this week.....Big shout out to our PE Department, Coach Bowers and Coach Adams for ALWAYS going above and beyond. Wasn't the Turkey Trot a blast? They are always trying to think of ways to engage and entertain the kids. They also completely volunteered to take on the Carolina/Clemson food drive out of the goodness of their heart. It is so awesome to have these guys on our team and we are grateful for what they mean to this team!
2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Adams and Bowers with the Tomahawk of the Wek Trophy
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let's also take a moment to celebrate the huge donation our school was able to make to the Belair Food Pantry through our Clemson/Carolina food drive! Well over 1000 canned goods were donated! Carolina was the winner by a landslide! Clearly we have some future Gamecocks in the building! Thank you to Mrs. Morgan's class for helping bag and load all of the cans! Great job Tomahawks!
2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Clemson Carolina food drive
Clemson Carolina food drive
Clemson Carolina food drive
Clemson Carolina food drive
Last week at the 'Burg, representatives from American Legion Post 31 out of Lancaster visited to present our school with a new American flag in honor of Veterans Day. Mrs. Nicoletti's and Ms. Wilson's 4th grade classes learned the proper way to present and fly a flag, how to fold the flag and proper flag etiquette. Next time you're on campus, take a look at the flagpole! Our stars and stripes are shining a little brighter! Thank you to JC Dawkins and all of the members of American Legion Post 31 for this generous donation and for coming to visit our school! We love having heroes like you on campus anytime!
2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
American Legion Post 31 visits to donate new flags to the school
Our little turkeys had a great time at the 1st annual Harrisburg Turkey Trot! As a school, we ran a combined 1,621 miles. Wow!!! A huge ThAnK YoU goes out to all of the wonderful parents and PTO volunteers who made signs, provided supplies and most importantly showed up to cheer on our students as they ran. This could not have happened without their support!
2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
Turkey Trot 2024
#AEW2024 - Today is Substitute Educators Day - Substitutes play a vital role in the maintenance and continuity of daily education. Substitute Educators Day seeks to: - Encourage increased respect for substitute education employees - Advocate for all school substitutes to receive wage and health benefits for those who work most to all of a full school year - Receive genuine, continual professional development in the art of substitute teaching - Provide a reminder for school staff on effective practices to prepare for, welcome, and support substitute educators
2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
#AEW2024 - Today is Education Support Professionals Day - School support staff, also known as Education Support Professionals (ESPs), strengthen our schools, communities, and associations across the country. They play a vital role on the education team and in students' lives inside and outside the classroom. They keep our schools running and our students safe, healthy, and ready to learn every day. ( Celebration idea: Shoutout your school's education support staff be sure to use #WeLoveOurESPs #LCSDTogether
2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
ESP day
Check out this weeks Tomahawk of the Week, Bridget Francis! If you do nothing else to improve your mood this year, make sure that you find Mrs. Francis in the hall and spend a few minutes with this terrific lady! She is an absolute gem and we get to call her one of our Eagles teachers. Always the first in line with an encouraging word for staff and students, quick to assess the big picture of things instead of focusing on the small stressors of everyday life, and a willing and faithful servant in any way that she can find to be useful to our team and our building....Mrs. Francis is such a great addition to this team and we are beyond lucky to have her! Congratulations, Mrs. Francis ! As this week's winner, you will receive a $25 gift card to Super Chix in Indian Land! Thank you Super Chix for your support!
2 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Bridget Francis, Tomahawk of the Week
#AEW2024 - Today is Family Day. The NEA's vision of calling upon all Americans to do their part in making public schools great for every child so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st century. Family Celebration idea: Use the attached apple for students to fill in their favorite subject, best time of day or what they like about their classroom teacher. Parents - write a memory from when you were in school. If you like, share back to this post #AEWFamilyDay
2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
american education week
NEA Apple
This week, Nov. 18 - 22, schools across the country will celebrate excellence in education. Student celebration essay idea: "What I would do if I were the principal" or students make a card showing support for their educators. #AEW2024 #LCSDTogether
2 months ago, Lancaster County School District
American Education Week
Check out this weeks Tomahawk of the Week, Meredith Peterson ! What a gem and Harrisburg Elementary is so lucky to have her. She is a kindergarten assistant who has a passion for working with students. She is amazing in the classroom as she works alongside her amazing teacher, Mrs. Cochran. Mrs. Peterson is enthusiastic about helping plan activities for students. She is always willing to take on any task and has a positive attitude in doing so. She greets students and parents in the morning car rider line with a smile on her face! Her hard word, passion, and dedication is a true asset in the classroom and at our school. The level of professionalism, grace, and kindness she shows every day are top notch and we are beyond thrilled to have her on our team! Congratulations, Mrs. Peterson ! As this week's winner, you will receive a $25 gift card to Super Chix in Indian Land! Thank you Super Chix for your support!
3 months ago, Harrisburg Elementary
Meredith Peterson - Tomahawk of the Week
Nominations are now open for the LCSD Education Hall of Fame! Check out the criteria and how to nominate someone.
3 months ago, Lancaster County School District